Ecommerce Specialist

OTA Plus is the OTAs market disruptor Vs your actual Channel Manager!

OTA Plus was created to maximize the opportunity of generating more revenue, controlling the hotel sales, offering the last room at a better price direct and without third parties and allowing the hotel save the 18% - 30% to make it a direct income.

“Maximize your E-Commerce earnings with proven Returns of Investment.”

Hoteles Internet Power Hotel

The OTA PLUS Admin specialized know-how has a 14 year experience and over 800 hotels that will positively impact the income of your hotel.

OTA Plus Benefits

  1. OTAs professional management by specialized staff that maximizes the income of your hotel.
  2. Reduces staff expenses.
  3. Eliminates the losses linked to unexperienced staff
  4. Eliminates the losses linked to the manual management of the allotment.
  5. Eliminates losses linked to the reduced working hours (breaks, holidays, sick days, 8 hour shifts) of the assigned staff through a channel that is available 24 hours a day.
  6. Eliminates losses linked to unexpected resignations or dismissals.
  7. The Channel Manager and Online Reputation Software Licenses are included.
  8. Automation of the competitiveness in the OTAs: a tool that regulates the competitiveness of the rate in real time, 24/7. Something that, until now, seemed impossible for thousands of hotels that take care of this task manually, with frequent mistakes and a limited time to supervise.
  9. Extended Distribution in OTAs, easiness to incorporate more sales channels without added staff expenses.
  10. Simplification of accounts payable and receivable (OPTIONAL): your hotel just have to go to a contact and communication channel to recover the accounts and the commissions payments to the OTAs.
  11. Transparent download of reservations from all your sales channels to the PMS.
  12. Transparent connectivity to your PMS to get your inventory in real time and reassign allotments or close inventory in an automated way, 24 hours, reduce overbooking and sell up to your last room.
  13. Guarantee of parity in the OTAs and Best Rate in the Hotel Website, increasing sales and incomes through the Hotel’s official website.

If I already have my own staff focused on Ecommerce, how the OTA PLUS Admin will actually help my Hotel?

Nowadays over 50% of the income of the hotels comes from the Internet. As it is such a sensitive area to generate money, you should ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are the Rate Plans extended to 18 months, every month in every OTA?
  2. Does every OTA have the same Rate Plans every month?
  3. Do you check that the Rate Parity in the OTAs is at its best every day for the next 18 months?
  4. Do you make sure that your Website actually has the best rate vs. the OTAs, every day for the next 18 months?
  5. Do you check the competitiveness of the rate Vs. yours every day in the OTAs?
  6. Do you make sure you’re participating in all the promotional campaigns of the OTAs every day?
  7. Do you make sure that the income of the Hotel can be maximized between $70 - $120 MXN per night by making a correct implementation of the promotional campaigns in every OTA? 3000 room nights a year can give you $360,000 MXN more every year.
  8. Do you have an online reputation strategy, advice and software?
  9. Do you have a Channel Manager?
  10. Do you make sure that the Channel Manager is set up properly every month and every time that new rate plans are created?
  11. Do you have an interface that brings automated availability (real time) in the OTAs and your Hotel System?
  12. Do you have the right allotment in every OTA in 18 months and is it supervised 24 hours every day?
  13. Do you make sure your rate plans are properly mapped out to all the budgeted rate plants in all the OTAs?

These are the areas where most of our hotel audits have found multiple errors caused by the staff assigned to this important task. By applying and supervising, on a monthly basis, the corrections with the “know-how” that we offer and the OTA Plus Admin specialized solutions we’ve seen an increase of 20% to 50% in the income of the Hotel. Reassign the Ecommerce staff to the activities of corporate sales, agencies, groups and events.

OTA PLUS Admin Services

1.- Initial Audit

We start with an initial audit of your presence in the OTAs, releasing a preliminary report of your current status with over 70 indicators of supervision.

In the different audits we’ve done, we usually find 20-40 indicators in bad condition. Once we’ve corrected them, your sales in the OTAs and your own Website will increase from 20 to 50%. How many negative indicators will your hotel have?

2.- Professional OTAs Management.
  • Your hotel will have specialized staff that will maximize your income from an effective management of the OTAs.
  • Reduces the staff expenses within the hotel operation and avoids the massive losses that the hotels suffer when their assigned staff quits.
  • Eliminates the learning process of the new staff, which usually costs hundreds of thousands of pesos in losses.

A sales channel that represents 40-60% (and growing) of the sales of a hotel shouldn’t be linked to such a fragile process within your hotel’s sales platform when there are professional companies with over 17 years of experience in the tourist industry, like Internet Power Hotel. Stop suffering with the lack of experience and constant staff turnover when it comes to such an important task.

3.- Daily follow up

A daily follow up of the most important indicators, availability, rate plans, OTA parity, best rate on the website, seasonal specials, channel manager, interfaces of the hotel system, analysis of results of future sales and goals achieved on time to apply immediate actions that boost your income.

4.- Monthly Audit Reports

We release a monthly audit report with all the evaluation indicators of the initial audit, which ensures the solved positive aspects, those who have not been solved or changed from positive to negative, the action plan that is taking place as well as the detailed report of the detected inconsistencies that were solved and how much it took.

5.- New Sales Strategies

OTA PLUS Admin, along with different Ecommerce specialists and our team with over 30 years of experience in sales in multiple hotels, design an annual strategic plan suggested to the hotel to grow sales, which is analyzed and updated every trimester.

6.- Monthly Conference

We convene a monthly conference with the Sales Directors and General Management to inform the results, achieved goals and actions taken, as well as implemented or not implemented suggested improvements and their status.

7.- Automation of the Connectivity to the OTA’s
8.- Automation of the Competitiveness in the OTA’s
9.- Clear download of the reservations that come from all your sales channels to the PMS
10.- Clear connectivity to your PMS to get the inventory in real time
11.- With the 2-way connection to your PMS you’ll get many reservations more

Central Strategy and Distribution Costs in OTA’s

  1. Our central strategy is focused on increasing the historic income in the OTAs and your Website, in a way that the income of the hotel greatly exceed the cost of our service. This is an investment with assured returns for the Hotel and not an additional cost.
  2. Once we’ve accomplished this goal, we’ll strengthen the increase of the public rate so it impacts in higher earnings for the hotel without affecting the sales of room nights.
  3. Managing better sales commissions in the OTAs, giving the hotel higher profits.
  4. Internet Power OTA PLUS Admin will incorporate an Online Reputation tool from our ally, My Hotel, which boosts the reputation of the Hotel in TripAdvisor and the OTAs.